International activities represent a significant part of development of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF . The Strategic Plan of Internationalisation of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is a part of the Strategic Plan of theUniversity of Applied Sciences RRiF.
The University of Applied Sciences RRiF was established in Zagreb in May 2006. The founder of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is RRiF plus d.o.o., one of the companies within the RRiF Group whose activities are strictly connected to the fields of finance, accounting, taxes and companies’ law. The idea to establish the college for professional studies arouse from then 15-year-experience of the RRiF Group in the fields of advising business entities and non-profit organisations. Hence, the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is a specialized higher education institution, conducting two study programmes. It has 230 students - 80% being part-time. The specifics of the programmes and the size of the institution had an impact on the results of the SWOT analysis and had to be taken into consideration when the objectives were set for internationalization and modernisation of the institution through implementing mobility and international project activities at the institution within the Erasmus programme. The study programmes delivered at the University of Applied Sciences RRiF are in accordance with the mission, vision and strategic objectives of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF.
The mission of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is to adapt the study programmes to the Croatian and European economies and thus provide the professionals who have during their study acquired the necessary knowledge and skills for independent performing of the activities in the field of financial management, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting and other segments in this field. An important aspect of our mission is to create professionals who will successfully manage finances of micro- and small-sized enterprises as well as those who will be able to work in international corporations and contribute to their successful performance and development.
The vision of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is defined as 'to succeed means to be an expert in one's profession and to keep up with the time, which can be achieved only if you are at the source of the thoroughly checked up and timely professional information’. Following the mission and vision of the institution, the learning outcomes for each course were written from the viewpoint of a student, not a teacher. Accordingly, the whole teaching process is focused on the student, who is expected to master the learning outcomes in the best possible way and to acquire the corresponding competences which represent the result of the learning outcomes.
The main strategic objective represents the result of the mission and vision and is realised in the following study programmes:
- undergraduate professional study programme of accounting and finance, field of specialisation: accounting and finance (EQF: 6) and
- two-year graduate professional study for Corporate Finance (level: professional master’s degree) EQF: 7
The strategy for internationalization and modernisation is divided in strategic directions from which policy objectives of the institution arise. All of the objectives are directly or indirectly linked and are influenced by Erasmus activities and can be fulfilled through Erasmus+ programme.
- Academic mobility
Academic mobility includes participation in quality mobility activities of students, non-teaching and teaching staff especially focusing on individuals with fewer opportunities and new ways of participating in mobility – blended mobility but also promoting active civic engagement.
- Partnerships with foreign higher education institutions
Increasing quality management of Interinstitutional Agreements as well as identifying new partners from Programme and Partner countries in order to realize the agreed cooperation in the full scope.
- Partnerships with foreign companies and organizations
Achieving new partnership in order to facilitate mobility activities but also to achieve the transfer of knowledge and best practices in order to tackle skills mismatches.
- Participation in international associations
Achieving participation in international associations in order to find new expert partners for participation in sustainable Erasmus projects.
- Knowledge transfer
Through Erasmus+ activities (mobility and cooperation) improving and updating course content and improving digital competencies of students and staff and pedagogical skills of teaching staff.
- International projects
Improving participation in Erasmus+ projects in order to create new values and knowledge, improve internationalization and modernisation through new cooperation and joint effort for building common European education area.
- Improving the institutional capacity of international exchange
Through participation in the new Erasmus+ programme and by achieving the objectives set to internationalize and modernise our institution it will be necessary to adapt and modernise the institution’s capacities through harmonization with the legal framework, changing procedures, maintaining quality assurance which will lead to stronger institutional framework of the institution as a whole. Through adopting digital mobility management the value of environmental friendly practices will also be increased.
- Introduction of courses in English language into curriculum
As a precondition for new activities of internationalization of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF the preparation for introducing English language into teaching has already started. It was initiated by participating in previous Erasmus programmes but will continue as an important task for new period of the programme.
The University of Applied Sciences RRiF wants to attract some of the best-qualified students. The attendance of international students contributes to dynamic learning environment and expands opportunities to gain new knowledge and experience for students and teachers. In addition, it creates new friendships and acquaintances among future European experts in our respective fields and allows students to develop a global outlook, intercultural understanding and language skills.
The University of Applied Sciences RRiF offers professional guidance in connection with planning of one’s stay abroad and continues its efforts to establish a smooth process for preliminary approvals and credit transfers of study components completed at a foreign university.
Moreover, the University of Applied Sciences RRiF supports and acknowledges the benefits of international mobility among the teaching and non-teaching staff as well. The members of the staff at all levels of the institution are encouraged to engage in international activities and to take part in training opportunities abroad.
The Strategic Plan of Internationalization of the University of Applied Sciences RRiF and Erasmus Policy Statement are important documents for implementing internationalization and modernisation through Erasmus programme. But, as the University of Applied Sciences RRiF is developing and changing, adapting to foreseeable and unforeseen circumstances, these strategic documents subject to change in order to achieve the highest level of quality.